What A Difference A Year Makes!

Christmas Around the World - Presbyterian Church of Parkville - December 2019

It has been a little over a year since we began Hartfield Missions, Inc., a non-profit ministry dedicated to providing support for inmates and their families. We had no idea how fully God would bless us and for this we give Him all the praise.

We began 2019 by incorporating with the state of Kansas to legitimize our work. Shortly thereafter, I completed my book, “For Such A Time As This,” which tells the story of my five year incarceration in a Federal Prison Camp and the calling God laid on my heart to begin this ministry. After many months of work I finalized a CD single of recorded original and classic Christian music which would be used to help spread the gospel to all who hear it. Both my wife and I decided together we would use all the funds received in the selling of my book and CD as well as any donations received through our concerts specifically for the ministries use. God has truly blessed us in our faith journey.

We began speaking and singing in churches in both Texas, Missouri, and Kansas. God blessed us with a number of book and CD sales in addition to  free will offerings. In January, we had the pleasure of speaking at the Still Waters Cowboy Church, Trinity Baptist Church, and the Pollok Baptist Church. In March, we spoke at our home church, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, and the Overland Park Baptist Temple. Later in the year, we were honored to present a special Christmas concert for the Parkville Presbyterian Church

Early in 2019 our ministry first began sending monetary funds to three inmates in Federal Prison Camps located in Leavenworth, Kansas, Duluth, Minnesota, and Yanton, South Dakota. This soon grew into adding four more inmates serving in the Texas State Prisons. In addition our ministry has donated to  FAMM (Families Against Mandatory Minimums) as well as Gracious Promise, a local ministry assisting inmates upon their release. 

By fall, we were able to increase our giving to 11 inmates and families. In October my wife began a monthly women’s prayer breakfast for wives and loved ones of those incarcerated. This has been a very crucial part of our ministry as families can be devastated due to the effects of incarceration. It has continued to grow through the new year and has led us to be introduced to other inmates who need support. God continues to open doors.

By the end of the year, we now have 13 inmates we financially support. Donations continue to come in to support our efforts and we are so thankful for everyone's generosity. It is truly uplifting when we receive letters from inmates thanking us, not only for financial support, but simply for remembering them. It is also a great joy to report two of the inmates we supported in 2019 are being released within the next two months. We praise God for these men and hope they will go out telling others of the joy of knowing Jesus and how God has renewed them through their experiences.     

It is a delight to give back after a time in my life when I thought God was finished with me only to discover He was preparing me to help the many left behind. I cannot think of a stronger service for our Lord as He promised in the book of Luke to, “set the oppressed free.” What an awesome God we serve!

Thank you for partnering alongside us as we seek to spread the Good News.


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