

S haring stories of redemption

A vocation for prison reform.

V aluing the unity of family.

E xpressing God’s love through word & song.


For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?

Esther 4:14


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About Us

Paul Hartfield, an internationally acclaimed opera singer, turned real estate investor, now serves as an ambassador for Christ through his unique gifts as a singer, songwriter, and speaker. He seeks to empower others to find hope, even in the most dire circumstances through the promise of God’s divine providence.

Paul is a husband, father, and grandfather. He has performed in opera and symphonies throughout the United States, France, Italy, Belgium, Monaco, Canada, China, and South Africa. After over 30 years, he left the performing arts to start a career in real estate. Becoming a successful CEO of his own company, Paul lost his way and when the real estate market crashed in 2007, his company closed. Because of recklessness and inappropriate business practices, he and three others were charged with conspiracy. Serving 5-years in a federal prison camp, it would take incarceration to free him for God’s purpose. In prison, Paul’s journey changed his heart and transformed his spiritual life.

Paul has been married to his wife, Robyn, for 35 years. Together they have three children and two grandchildren. They reside in Overland Park, Kansas.

Drop them a line at hartfieldmissions@gmail.com.